الاحتراق المهني لدى الأخصائيين النفسيين بمستشفيات الطب النفسي بولاية الخرطوم بحث تكميلي مقدم لجامعة الخرطوم لنيل ماجستير الآداب في علم النفس العلاجي خالد, محمد الوليد صديق

This research aims to investigate the occupational burnout and some other variables such as years of experience, gender, academic qualification, and social status among psychologist at psychiatric hospitals in Khartoum state. The researcher adopted the descriptive method to achieve these objectives; Purposive total sampling method was applied to select a sample of 58 psychologists, 12 male (20.7 %), 46 female (79.3%) The researcher used the following scale to collect the data of the present research: The occupational burnout scale designed Christian Maslash which modified by Mawadh Elsheikh (2010), and bibliographical data sheet Statistical Package for social sciences was applied to analyze the data of this research by using T-test for one sample, T-test for two samples, Pearson correlation coefficients. The most important results of the study are as follows: the occupational burnout was statistically low among the psychologist at psychiatric hospitals in Khartoum state at level of significance (0.05); there is no statistically differences in the occupational burnout according to years of experience, gender, academic qualification and social status among the psychologist at psychiatric hospitals in Khartoum state at level of significance (0.05). Finally; the researcher suggested some recommendations such as improve work environment, and financial conditions of psychologist.
