 Editorial 2
 Neurological and Psychiatric Complications of
Traumatic Brain Injury
Abdullah Abdelrahman , Randa Z A M Khair , Mohamed AR
Arbab 4
 Chronic pain and role of cognitive behaviour
therapy Abdel Gadir Hausain 19
 Compliance with anti-schizophrenia drug therapy
in Sudan…………………………… Amira Mohamed Osman Haroun 34
 Co- morbidity between major depression and
anxiety or other psychiatric disorders in
psychiatric setting …………… Salah M.A.Haroun 40
 Towards developing chemical dependency services
in the Sudan ……………………………………Abdel Aziz A. Omar 50
 Health hazards of gold mining in Sudan:
Case Report Abu Doum , Abdel Rahman , Mahgoub, Yasir,
Idris, Eman , and El Kabashi, El Nayal……… 55
 Short communication: Mining first, Health last
Abudoam, Abdelrahman; Mahgoub, Yasir ; Idris,
Eman and ELnyal,Elkbashi……… 61
 Note to contributors……… 85
