Pain in Women A Clinical Guide  Allison Bailey   Carolyn Bernstein  Pain_i10

1 Sex Differences in Pain ........................................................................... 1
Allison Bailey
2 The Neuroanatomy of Female Pelvic Pain ............................................ 17
Frank H. Willard and Mark D. Schuenke
3 Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain ........................................................ 59
Joseph F. Audette
4 Gynecologic Etiologies of Chronic Pelvic Pain ..................................... 95
Aaron K. Styer
5 Pelvic Floor Muscle Pain and Dysfunction ........................................... 143
Sharon Silveira and Samantha J. Pulliam
6 Vulvodynia ............................................................................................... 155
Jennifer Gunter
7 Painful Bladder Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis in Women ................. 173
Leah Moynihan and Eman Elkadry
8 Headache in Women ............................................................................... 189
Carolyn Bernstein
9 Pregnancy and Postpartum-Related Pain............................................. 201
Colleen M. Fitzgerald
10 The Female Athlete ................................................................................. 219
Mimi Zumwalt
11 Immune Consequences of Early Life Stress: Relationship
to Chronic Pain Syndromes ................................................................... 237
Linda L. Carpenter and Cyrena E. Gawuga
12 Menopause and the Musculoskeletal System ....................................... 255
Leslie R. Morse, Ricardo A. Battaglino, and Jeffrey J. Widrick
13 Breast Cancer-Related Pain ................................................................... 277
Julie K. Silver and Lisa Schulz Slowman
14 Physical Therapy for Female Pelvic Pain ............................................. 291
Jessica McKinney
Index ................................................................................................................. 309