عنوان الرسالة : تأثير الوصم على تعاون مرضى القلق والاكتئاب في تطبيق الخطة العلاجية
إعداد الطالب : علي عوض الطلحي
إشراف : الدكتور / أحسن مبارك طالب
لجنة مناقشة الرسالة :
١. الدكتور / أحسن مبارك طالب مشرفًا ومقررًا
٢. الأستاذ الدكتور / عبد الحفيظ مقدم عضوًا مناقشًا
٣. الدكتور / فهد بن سعود اليحيا عضوًا مناقشًا
تاريخ المناقشة : ٢٩ / ٥/ ١٤٢٧ ه الموافق ٢٥ / ٦/ ٢٠٠٦ م.
مشكلة البحث : التعرف على تأثير الوصم على تعاون مرضى القلق والاكتئاب في تطبيق الخطة
أهمية البحث : تربط هذه الدراسة بين نظرية الوصم والأمراض النفسية ونتوخى أن تعتبر إضافة
علمية للأدبيات المتخصصة في هذا اال، كما أن هذه الدراسة تحاول أن تضع البذرة
النظرية الأولى لمقياس الوصم الاجتماعي للمريض النفسي ومقياس آخر لمدى تعاون
المريض مع الفريق العلاجي في تطبيق الخطة العلاجية عن طريق استبيانين حيال ذلك.
إن العمل في المصحات النفسية في الغالب تقتصر على التطبيق المباشر للبرامج العلاجية
وقد لا يناقش تأثر المريض بالوصم من اتمع أو من المؤسسات العلاجية والأفضل أن
يناقش هذا التأثر بالوصم ليتم توجيه البرامج العلاجية لتلافي هذا الشعور لدى المريض
بما يضمن تعاون أفضل من قبله
Defence Date: 29- 5 1427 H 25-6-2006
Research Problem:
Recognizing the impact of stigma on the cooperation of anxiety and depression
patients when applying the medical plan.
Research Importance:
The scientific importance of this research is clear as it connects the theory of stigma
with psychological disorders. I hope it will be regarded as a scientific addition to the
specialized literatures in that field. In addition, this research is trying to take the first
theoretical step towards measuring social stigma of the psycho and one more to measure the
patient’s cooperation with the medical team in applying the medical plan using a
Research Objectives :
Working at mental clinics usually applies only direct medical programs and may not
discuss how a patient is affected by the stigma of his society or medical institutions. It’s
better to discuss that effect to direct medical programs to avoid that feeling by the patient
and that confirms his better cooperation.
College of Graduate studies
1- Recognizing the impact of stigma on anxiety and depression patients.
2- Recognizing anxiety and depression patients’ cooperation when applying the
medical plan.3- Recognizing the differences between anxiety patients and those of
depression when affected by stigma.
4-Recognizing the differences in cooperation when applying the medical plan
between anxiety and depression patients.
5-Recognizing the impact of stigma in cooperation with anxiety and depression
patient is applying the medical plan.
6-Recognizing the differences between anxiety and depression patients concerning
stigma and cooperation when applying the medical plan according to the differences
in sex, age, educational level, kind of medication and follow up visits.
Research Hypotheses / Questions :
1- How are anxiety and depression patients affected by stigma?
2- To what extent do anxiety and depression patients cooperate when applying the
medical plan?
3- What are the differences, affected by stigma, between anxiety and depression
4- What are the differences in the cooperation of anxiety and depression patients
when applying the medical plan?
5- What is the impact of stigma in the cooperation of anxiety and depression patients
when applying the medical plan?
6- What are the differences between anxiety and depression patients concerning
stigma and cooperation when applying the medical plan according to sex, age,
educational level, type of medication and follow up visits?
Research Methodology:
It’s the descriptive survey for a sample of anxiety and depression patients who visit
the Mental Health Hospital in Taif (7,8%) of the research community.
Main Results:
1- There are no statistical differences in the impact of stigma in the family regardless
2- There are statistical differences between males and females when affected by
stigma in the society for the benefit of males.
3- There are statistical differences when affected by stigma in the family society or
the medical institution according to different ages.
4- There are statistical differences when affected by stigma from all aspects, family,
medical institution and the society, for the benefit of anxiety patient.
5- The results of the survey have shown that a negative statistical impact for the
stigma patient, generally, in the cooperation with the medical team when applying the
medical plan. That’s to say the more a patient feels the stigma, the less a patient
cooperates when applying the medical plan.
6 - The results have shown that the variable independent here is (the patient is
affected by stigma in general explains) (21.8%) of the change in patient’s cooperation
with the medical plan and the following change (identifying factor (0.218) but other
variations are explained by other factors not in the field of that research.
إعداد الطالب : علي عوض الطلحي
إشراف : الدكتور / أحسن مبارك طالب
لجنة مناقشة الرسالة :
١. الدكتور / أحسن مبارك طالب مشرفًا ومقررًا
٢. الأستاذ الدكتور / عبد الحفيظ مقدم عضوًا مناقشًا
٣. الدكتور / فهد بن سعود اليحيا عضوًا مناقشًا
تاريخ المناقشة : ٢٩ / ٥/ ١٤٢٧ ه الموافق ٢٥ / ٦/ ٢٠٠٦ م.
مشكلة البحث : التعرف على تأثير الوصم على تعاون مرضى القلق والاكتئاب في تطبيق الخطة
أهمية البحث : تربط هذه الدراسة بين نظرية الوصم والأمراض النفسية ونتوخى أن تعتبر إضافة
علمية للأدبيات المتخصصة في هذا اال، كما أن هذه الدراسة تحاول أن تضع البذرة
النظرية الأولى لمقياس الوصم الاجتماعي للمريض النفسي ومقياس آخر لمدى تعاون
المريض مع الفريق العلاجي في تطبيق الخطة العلاجية عن طريق استبيانين حيال ذلك.
إن العمل في المصحات النفسية في الغالب تقتصر على التطبيق المباشر للبرامج العلاجية
وقد لا يناقش تأثر المريض بالوصم من اتمع أو من المؤسسات العلاجية والأفضل أن
يناقش هذا التأثر بالوصم ليتم توجيه البرامج العلاجية لتلافي هذا الشعور لدى المريض
بما يضمن تعاون أفضل من قبله
Defence Date: 29- 5 1427 H 25-6-2006
Research Problem:
Recognizing the impact of stigma on the cooperation of anxiety and depression
patients when applying the medical plan.
Research Importance:
The scientific importance of this research is clear as it connects the theory of stigma
with psychological disorders. I hope it will be regarded as a scientific addition to the
specialized literatures in that field. In addition, this research is trying to take the first
theoretical step towards measuring social stigma of the psycho and one more to measure the
patient’s cooperation with the medical team in applying the medical plan using a
Research Objectives :
Working at mental clinics usually applies only direct medical programs and may not
discuss how a patient is affected by the stigma of his society or medical institutions. It’s
better to discuss that effect to direct medical programs to avoid that feeling by the patient
and that confirms his better cooperation.
College of Graduate studies
1- Recognizing the impact of stigma on anxiety and depression patients.
2- Recognizing anxiety and depression patients’ cooperation when applying the
medical plan.3- Recognizing the differences between anxiety patients and those of
depression when affected by stigma.
4-Recognizing the differences in cooperation when applying the medical plan
between anxiety and depression patients.
5-Recognizing the impact of stigma in cooperation with anxiety and depression
patient is applying the medical plan.
6-Recognizing the differences between anxiety and depression patients concerning
stigma and cooperation when applying the medical plan according to the differences
in sex, age, educational level, kind of medication and follow up visits.
Research Hypotheses / Questions :
1- How are anxiety and depression patients affected by stigma?
2- To what extent do anxiety and depression patients cooperate when applying the
medical plan?
3- What are the differences, affected by stigma, between anxiety and depression
4- What are the differences in the cooperation of anxiety and depression patients
when applying the medical plan?
5- What is the impact of stigma in the cooperation of anxiety and depression patients
when applying the medical plan?
6- What are the differences between anxiety and depression patients concerning
stigma and cooperation when applying the medical plan according to sex, age,
educational level, type of medication and follow up visits?
Research Methodology:
It’s the descriptive survey for a sample of anxiety and depression patients who visit
the Mental Health Hospital in Taif (7,8%) of the research community.
Main Results:
1- There are no statistical differences in the impact of stigma in the family regardless
2- There are statistical differences between males and females when affected by
stigma in the society for the benefit of males.
3- There are statistical differences when affected by stigma in the family society or
the medical institution according to different ages.
4- There are statistical differences when affected by stigma from all aspects, family,
medical institution and the society, for the benefit of anxiety patient.
5- The results of the survey have shown that a negative statistical impact for the
stigma patient, generally, in the cooperation with the medical team when applying the
medical plan. That’s to say the more a patient feels the stigma, the less a patient
cooperates when applying the medical plan.
6 - The results have shown that the variable independent here is (the patient is
affected by stigma in general explains) (21.8%) of the change in patient’s cooperation
with the medical plan and the following change (identifying factor (0.218) but other
variations are explained by other factors not in the field of that research.