Chapter One. Setting the stage 1 What’s the point? Some possible purposes of a definition 2 A list of possible practical purposes (related to plausible norms) 4 Some more possible practical purposes 9 The sceptical view: “there is no point!” 12 Should there be a concept of mental disorder at all? 14 Some tentative desiderata for a “good” definition 17 What kind of conceptual analysis does best fit the criteria? 23
Chapter Two. Conceptual theories of mental disorder 26 The general idea: Disorders as undesirable conditions caused by internal factors 26 The pure value approach 27 The pure scientific approach 28 Definitions related to medical practice 29
Chapter Three. The value component. Harm and other bad things 31 1. Harm 32 Digression: Bad according to whom? 34 Is harm really necessary for disorder? 35 2. Harm for others 37 3. Abnormal functioning on the holistic level 38 Conclusions 41 Value-ladenness and social constructionism 42
Chapter Four. The factual component. “Machine faults” and other internal causes 44 1. The lesion view 47 2. Disorder as “part” dysfunction (or harmful dysfunction) 48 Two medical conceptions of dysfunction 50 The genuine-mental-disease approach: What is a mental dysfunction? 53 Dysfunctions as statistical abnormalities which give rise to biological disadvantage 58 Dysfunctions as failures to perform natural functions 59 Is any essentialist dysfunction view plausible? 64 3. Other dysfunction alternatives 66 4. The modern medical model: Any internal cause 67 5. Culver and Gert: No distinct sustaining cause 70 Conclusions 73
References 76

