Series Editors
Sidney A. Simon, Ph.D.
Miguel A.L. Nicolelis, M.D., Ph.D.

Chapter 1
Choice of Animal Subjects in Behavioral Analysis
William J. Jackson
Chapter 2
The Behavioral Assessment of Sensorimotor Processes
in the Mouse: Acoustic Startle, Locomotor Activity, RotaRod, and
Beam Walking
Gerard B. Fox, Peter Curzon, and Michael W. Decker
Chapter 3
Fundamentals, Methodologies, and Uses of Taste
Aversion Learning
T. Edward Orr, Paul A. Walters, and Ralph L. Elkins
Chapter 4
Drug Discrimination
Richard Young, John R. James, and John A. Rosecrans
Chapter 5
Conditioned Place Preference: An Approach to Evaluating
Positive and Negative Drug-Induced Stimuli
John R. James, Richard Young, and John A. Rosecrans
Chapter 6
Intravenous Drug Self-Administration in Nonhuman
Leonard L. Howell and Kristin M. Wilcox
Chapter 7
Assessing Attention in Rats
Philip J. Bushnell
Chapter 8
Assessment of Distractibility in Non-Human Primates
Performing a Delayed Matching-to-Sample Task
Mark A. Prendergast
Chapter 9
Inhibitory Avoidance Behavior and Memory Assessment
John H. Graham and Jerry J. Buccafusco
Chapter 10
Spatial Navigational (Water Maze) Tasks
Alvin V. Terry, Jr.
Chapter 11
The Delayed Non-Match-to-Sample Radial Arm Maze Task:
Application to Models of Alzheimer’s Disease
Carl A. Boast, Thomas J. Walsh, and Adam C. Bartolomeo
Chapter 12
Use of the Radial-Arm Maze to Assess Learning and
Memory in Rodents
Edward D. Levin
Chapter 13
An Operant Analysis of Fronto-Striatal Function in the Rat
Stephen B. Dunnett and Peter J. Brasted
Chapter 14
Use of Autoshaping with Non-Delayed and Delayed
Reinforcement for Studying Effects upon Acquisition and
Consolidation of Information
Sheldon B. Sparber
Chapter 15
Assessing Frontal Lobe Functions in Non-Human Primates
Jay S. Schneider
Chapter 16
Validation of a Behavioral Test Battery for Monkeys
Merle G. Paule
Chapter 17
Theoretical and Practical Considerations for the
Evaluation of Learning and Memory in Mice
Robert J. Jaffard, Bruno Bontempi, and Frederique Menzaghi
