سياسات تربوية لمكافحة مرض الإيدز في السودان
"دراسة حالة لولايتي الخرطوم والقضارف"

إعداد الباحثة :
وصال يوسف السيمت دفع الله
دآتور قمر الدين علي قرنبع
مساعد مشرف:
دآتور عبد الجبار ناصر جمعة

This research is conducted on a random sample of citizens of Khartoum and Gedarif States of diverse educational backgrounds and professions. The aim of this study is to initiate a society of different characteristics and establish educational policies that combat the HIV/AIDS epidemic. This study is composed of five chapters: The first chapter outlines the plan of the study. The second chapter provides a scientific background and previous studies on the epidemic. The third chapter presents the methods of data collection. The fourth chapter deals with the statistical analysis and discussion of results. The researcher adopted the questionnaire as a tool for data collection. The questionnaire has been approved by a number of experts in the field of study. Moreover, interviews have been made with a number of officials in the field of study. Since the research is essentially related to education and behaviour, the researcher also relied on personal observation as well as questionnaires and interviews. The questionnaire is divided into five main sections: the first section provides personal information of the group examined. The second section is related to the awareness on the AIDS epidemic in relation to educational levels. The third section, provides information on the AIDS epidemic. It was found that the awareness depends on educational level. The fourth section deals with the source of information about the AIDS in Sudan. The results showed that the main source was the television followed by the radio, magazines and the daily newspapers. The fifth section is about the behaviour and beliefs of the sample members. It was noticed that people of average education responded more positively than those of higher and lower education. Thus, the researcher conclude that education is not an indicator of positive behaviour of the sample members and that there were no significant differences between the higher educated and lower educated members of the studied sample as far as the AIDS. This study verified all the research hypotheses concerned. The most important results of this study in chapter five

